Tuesday, April 8, 2014

contain label or possess

bonds finding an easy echo into relations simply formed
then why do eyes searching still delve relentlessly
for something tangible
what goes unacknowledged
what needs a name
one that is so natural
one that was always there
running after familiar shadows
these strange realities dim
into vague shapes.. to fit our truths
and we smile.. and we hug.. this vision
clear.. illusive.. concrete emotion
in a concrete world
dismissing this bond of 'humanity'
that flowers so naturally in our hearts
it's fragrance not exotic enough
wildflowers that none nurtured
and yet the feeling spreads
with a riot of smiles.. in this natural pull of joy
spontaneous fresh rejoicing.. playing havoc with our heartstrings
igniting every pore.. till our need to contain, label and possess.. 

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